How to Make Healthy Cashew Butter

How to Make Healthy Cashew Butter

Would you like to know how to make healthy cashew butter? I’ll tell you! Homemade nut butter is SO delicious and incredibly easy to make! All you need is roasted cashews (or you can roast your own), sea salt, a high speed blender, and optional oil. I love making my own natural nut butter so I know exactly what is in it. It’s also much cheaper! Cashew butter is a wonderful way to add healthy plant based nutrients to loads of recipes.


There are loads of uses for cashew butter. It is delicious on toast, on your oatmeal, in smoothies, and in baking! I substitute regular dairy butter with cashew butter in many baking recipes to add healthy protein and fats, and to easily make recipes vegan. Using cashew butter in baking makes the treats more filling and satisfying because the nutritional value is much higher than when baking with regular dairy butter. When using cashew butter instead of butter in cookies for example, a good dose of plant based protein and healthy fats help you feel more satisfied eating a smaller portion, and won’t give your blood sugar a major spike either. These Healthier White Chocolate Raspberry Coconut Vegan Cookies are one of my favourite recipes using homemade cashew butter! So give it a try and make some delicious natural nut butter!

how to make healthy cashew butter

How to Make Healthy Cashew Butter

by Baking Me Healthy
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 12 minutes
Total Time 17 minutes
Course Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Cuisine Healthy, Plant Based, Vegan


  • High Speed Blender


  • 3 cups natural cashews
  • big pinch sea salt
  • 1-3 tsp coconut oil or neutral oil optional


  • Turn your oven on to 175°C. Spread the cashews out evenly over a baking sheet.
  • When the oven has reached the right temperature, bake the cashews.
  • Roast the cashews for about 5 minutes and then mix them so they roast evenly.
  • Place the cashews in the oven again for about 5 minutes. The whole roasting process should take about 10-12 minutes. They will be golden when they are done. Keep an eye on the cashews so they don't burn!
  • Let the cashews cool a little bit, but not completely. I find it works best blending them when they are a bit warm still.
  • Add the cashews to a high speed blender and start on a low speed for a short bit, but then increase the speed up to high. As you blend the cashews, you might have to stop a few times to scrape down the sides of the jug. Just keep mixing until the cashew butter is suuuuper smooth and creamy.
  • When the cashew butter is completely smooth, add salt. If you want to add a splash of oil, you can do that now too. I don't usually add oil, but if you find your cashew butter to be super thick and on the dry side you can add a bit of oil. Mix until combined. Add more salt if needed.
  • When the cashew butter is done, pour it over to a clean and tightly sealed jar. Store the cashew butter in the fridge.
  • Enjoy! 🙂
Keyword cashew, cashew butter, gluten free, healthy, plant based, refined sugar free, vegan

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